Saturday, November 26, 2011

These Ten Things Done After Dinner Make You More Beautiful Ten Years

Fourth, do not immediately drink more water.

Second, do not immediately drink tea.

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Fruits contain flavonoids compounds by intestinal bacteria after ingestion is converted into dihydroxy benzoic acid and intake of vegetables contain thiocyanate, in the role of these two chemicals interfere with thyroid function, and can lead to Non-iodine goiter.

Sixth, do not immediately candy.

Because tea contains a single preferred food and iron-binding protein, resulting in not easily absorbed gel or sediment, long-term effect of iron deficiency anemia can occur and protein deficiency diseases.

Because of accelerated gastric motility after a meal, blood circulation increases, telangiectasia, and promote absorption of harmful substances in smoke, smoking after a meal, the absorption of harmful substances in tobacco smoke is usually more than ten times the points you pay attention to the health of smokers it.

Ninth do not immediately take a bath.

After the soda dilute the gastric juice into the stomach, affecting digestion, reduce appetite, and produce carbon dioxide, increased intragastric pressure, leading to acute gastric dilatation.

Because the skin capillary dilatation of the bath, reducing blood flow to the digestive tract, which affect food digestion and absorption. How long after a meal that should be engaged in these activities? Food in the stomach residence time of 1 hour carbohydrate, protein, 2-3 hours, fat for 5-6 hours, so at least 1 hour after a meal to engage in these activities. But it is also flexible. For example, when feeling thirsty, drink water after a meal, at this time you should not restrain yourself too much.

These Ten Things Done after Dinner Make You More Beautiful Ten Years Later

Read immediately after a meal will reduce the relative amount of blood the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the secretion of gastric juice, over time, leading indigestion, bloating, stomach pain and other symptoms.

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Beautiful women need some efforts to keep their body; experts said the ten things you not do to your best:

Heavy exercise, limb blood flow and blood supply of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the secretion of gastric juice, poor digestion of food. Postprandial gastric volume change at the same time, coupled with exercise will result in ptosis of the stomach.

Third, do not immediately smoking.

Fifth, do not immediately soda.

Immediately increased intragastric pressure after drinking the water, leading it have not had time to digest the food for the stomach into the small intestine. In addition, after drinking diluted juice, so that reduced gastric digestion, gastric acid is not conducive to sterilization, likely to cause gastrointestinal disease.

Eighth, do not immediately read.

Seventh, do not immediately do strenuous exercise.

Sugar easily converted into fat, causing obesity. Sugar also makes insulin secretion dysfunction, promoting diabetes.

First, do not immediately eat the fruit.

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