Friday, September 23, 2011

Bag Design Task- Wholesale Replica Handbags

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2, with a new wins: the use of new styles, new fabrics, new technology, new colors, new colors, etc. to build the design, market bags to retain vitality and a strong allure.

6, trend factors: social thought in the bag of information is one important factor. Some literary thought and the ascend of elegant styles, such as the modernist style, composition, post modern industry, etc., the bag had a significant impact on the design.

3, in order to quickly win: competition in the market in the bags, must be produced fast enough in the 1st word, seize the opportunity to introduce seasonal, should the season, should the trend of bag styles, step along tread precedence to speedily conquer. Designer should be sharp to occupy the motor design inquiry prototype for fast, fast mass production, hunk advertising fast, fast marketing, so the design of the bag to quickly dominate the market.

D) market information Analysis of market information, competitive strategy to master the market, prologue up new bags for style and expand the scale of bags in circulation, narrations are near. Market emulation, the maximum critical to know the market the consumer's psychological, aesthetic, economic status, antagonist,You Can Buy Cheap Moncler Jacket From Online Shop, etc., then take the corresponding tactics.

4 to win the letter: a agreeable glory namely the opener for the market. Establish a nice corporate image, mark image, commerce and designer bags are also common goal..

Bag design mission is to society, which reflects the morale of the periods and national landscape, but also wealthy style of the modern aesthetic taste. This is no unrealistic trying to calculate of tin be effected, it must firmly clutch the pulse of the times. Insight into the servant and bags of information, control sales market is changing, and psychological needs of social consumption. To work with the tide, guiding the trend.

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5, in order to win cheap: cheap and needy quality cheap designer handbags market, is the two main conditions to attract consumers, designers absence to strongly decrease costs, reduce losses, lower amounts and ensure quality and cheap, and expand sales Social information, including political, economic, social thought, science, technology and lifestyle, and several other appearances and factors namely shape the movement of the bag great affect on the development and change.

3, the political factors: the history of the globe, where important political alteration, bags form has too undergone excellent changes. If political alteration Xinhai life, bag manner has too undergone magnificent changes. Such as the 1911 Revolution to overthrow the Qing Dynasty, Western-style clothing, tunic gown has gradually replaced long wrap and so on.

4, lifestyle factors: the people direction of life, along with the improvement of material life and spiritual change, wholesale Juicy handbags are an important aspect of lifestyle. At high efficiency, fast-paced epoch, should be designed with the modern lifestyle harmonization of bags to encounter the needs of people work and live.

1, with great win: In the bag market, the client worth of the bags have a special care, so quality and pretty manner, producing excellent, tall value, should be the design concept of the important portion.

5, technology factors: the evolution of science and technology, the sack has a straight impact on the manufacture. New fiber applications, the appearance of the current linens, staining and a diversity of new technology apt cultivate the breakthrough process of leather making, gives the design and making of bags broaden the innovative ways.

2, the economic factors: the improvement of economic class, to promote linens, bags industrial development has also caused human to bag the material selection and color information to continuously put along new claims, therefore, the progress of designer replica handbags expense and economic growth in direct proportion.

1, trend factors: social thought in the bag of information is a key factor. Some literary thought and the rise of artistic styles, such as the modernist style, composition, post modernism, etc., for the bags had a significant impact on the design.

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